
Post Natal Care

Postnatal care centre – A place to rest, refresh, and bond closely with your small bundle of joy!

Just after a newborn’s birth, the initial days are the most challenging and riskiest time for mother and baby. It is high time to take important interventions and perform some old but beneficial practices to reduce the chances of these risks and the better health of mother and child.

Proper post natal care for mothers is a must as all physical changes that the mother has experienced during her pregnancy and labour come back to their prenatal state during this time.

Postnatal Care Centre

The post natal care centre provides proper care, a balanced diet, particular exercises, and body treatments to help new mothers regain their energy and prepare them for a tough routine in the upcoming future. This centre gives postnatal care services for mothers to recover from physical pain and prepare them for breastfeeding and assure their emotional and aesthetical well-being. 

Prominent Features and Services

This post natal care for mothers is recognized for its well-trained nurses and highly experienced nannies. They provide extremely professional services with added care and love. Here we treat mothers as queens and pamper them enough to come out from postpartum depression.

In this safe, comfortable, and friendly environment, doctors, nurses, dietitians, paediatrics, and nannies work around the clock to play their role as a trailblazer to produce refined postpartum care culture. These holistic confinement experts help mothers to get through their tough times after giving birth to their babies.

They simply convert a possible nightmare for to-be- mothers into an unforgettably pleasant and comfortable new beginning. Postnatal care services by postnatal care centre include:

  • Postpartum belly binding
  • Special post natal massage KL Hot stone therapy (Bertungku)
  • Baby massage (Urut)
  • Barut
  • Tapel and Param Pilis
  • Betawi Spa (wet & dry)

Postnatal care for mothers includes 24 hours of help, a spa’s luxury, breastfeeding friendly environment, and nutritious meals about five to six times a day. This centre also assures massaging and bathing baby daily, assistance to mother for breastfeeding their babies, and caring for baby so that that mummy can get proper and refreshing sleep.

All these very much in demand services by post natal care centre are reasonable with unmatchable quality. For all the “mommies to be” who want to stop there after childbirth, worries have this fantastic opportunity to confine services during their postpartum confinement period.

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This website is the official website for the Zinnia Fields Post Natal Retreat that was created by Jefame Group Sdn. Bhd. (the operators of Zinnia Fields Post Natal Retreat) for the main purpose of offering information on the retreat.

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